Category: British Workman

British Workman Vol. 1, No. 3 (1855)

Image and PDF Files [dg orderby=”name” ids=”533,532,531,530,303″] Embedded PDF Navigate using up and down arrows at top or bottom of viewer. Uncorrected OCR Text Uncorrected OCR-PAGE 9 No. 3. Published fob the Editor by Messrs. PARTRIDGE &Continue reading

British Workman Vol. 1, No. 2 (1855)

Image and PDF Files [dg orderby=”name” new_window=”true” ids=”522,523,524,525,298″]   Embedded PDF Navigate using up and down arrows at top or bottom of viewer. Uncorrected OCR Text Uncorrected OCR-PAGE 5 No. 2. Published for the jiditok bF S.Continue reading