Category: British Workman

British Workman Vol. 1, No. 23 (1856)

Image and PDF Files [dg new_window=”true” orderby=”name” ids=”846,845,844,843,842″] Embedded PDF Navigate using up and down arrows at top or bottom of viewer. Uncorrected OCR Text   Uncorrected OCR-PAGE 89 BRITISH WORKMAN AND FRIEND OF THEContinue reading

British Workman Vol. 1, No. 22 (1856)

Image and PDF Files [dg new_window=”true” orderby=”name” ids=”834,833,832,831,830″] Embedded PDF Navigate using up and down arrows at top or bottom of viewer. Uncorrected OCR Text Uncorrected OCR-PAGE 85 BRITISH WORKMAN AND FRIENDS OF THE SONSContinue reading

British Workman No. 1, Vol. 21 (1856)

Image and PDF Files [dg new_window=”true” orderby=”name” ids=”703,702,701,700,699″] Embedded PDF Navigate using up and down arrows at top or bottom of viewer. Uncorrected OCR Text Uncorrected OCR-PAGE 81   BRITISH WORKMAN AND FRIEND OF THEContinue reading

British Workman Vol. 1, No. 20 (1856)

Image and PDF Files [dg new_window=”true” orderby=”name” ids=”695,694,693,692,691″] Embedded PDF Navigate using up and down arrows at top or bottom of viewer. Uncorrected OCR Text Uncorrected OCR-PAGE 77   BRITISH WORKMAN AND FRIEND OF THEContinue reading

British Workman Vol. 1, No. 19 (1856)

Image and PDF Files [dg new_window=”true” orderby=”name” ids=”687,686,685,684,683″] Embedded PDF Navigate using up and down arrows at top or bottom of viewer. Uncorrected OCR Text Uncorrected OCR-PAGE 73 BRITISH WORKMAN AND FRIEND OF THE SONSContinue reading

British Workman Vol. 1, No. 18 (1856)

Image and PDF Files [dg new_window=”true” orderby=”name” ids=”679,678,677,676,675″] Embedded PDF Navigate using up and down arrows at top or bottom of viewer. Uncorrected OCR Text Uncorrected OCR-PAGE 69 BRITISH WORKMAN and FRIEND OF THE SONSContinue reading

British Workman Vol. 1, No. 17 (1856)

Image and PDF Files [dg descriptions=”false” new_window=”true” orderby=”name” ids=”671,670,669,668,667″] Embedded PDF Navigate using up and down arrows at top or bottom of viewer. Uncorrected OCR Text Uncorrected OCR-PAGE 65 BRITISH WORKMAN No. 17] Published forContinue reading

British Workman Vol. 1, No. 16 (1856)

Image and PDF Files [dg new_window=”true” orderby=”name” ids=”663,662,661,660,659″] Embedded PDF Navigate using up and down arrows at top or bottom of viewer. Uncorrected OCR Text Uncorrected OCR-PAGE 6 BRITISH WORKMAN AND FRIEND OF THE SONSContinue reading

British Workman Vol. 1, No. 15 (1856)

Image and PDF Files [dg orderby=”name” ids=”651,650,649,648,652″] Embedded PDF Navigate using up and down arrows at top and bottom of viewer. Uncorrected OCR Text Uncorrected OCR-PAGE 57 BRITISH WORKMAN AND FRIEND OF THE SONS OFContinue reading